We’ve been raising sheep in Paradise Valley since 2000.

About Us

Our production goal has remained the same: to raise gourmet quality 100% grassfed lamb using sustainable and economically viable land management practices.

We chose Icelandic sheep for their world-renowned reputation of having a delicate texture and flavor. Our customers, including skeptical lamb tasters, love our lamb. Chefs have served delicious menu items with our lamb and favor its plating appeal.

The Icelandic sheep is a clean, colorful, medium sized grass converter! The personality of this breed makes them ideal in managed grazing programs on neighbors’ pastures, too: the colorful, unique appeal of Icelandics have helped us acquire more parcels to graze. Access to these pastures and using our grazing management to produce nutrient-dense swards has helped extend our grazing season.

100% grassfed lamb, raised as natural as possible (no sub-therapeutic antibiotics, grain or growth hormones) can only be created from the quality of pasture they graze. Through the use of Holistic Management, the forage quality, soil health, and water cycle improvements have improved where our sheep have been. These pasture goals help preserve the financial benefits of good ranching at a time when many ranches are disappearing. By keeping our sheep out of the feed lot we can utilize them for what they do best: Impact forages to nurture a healthy landscape. Healthy, content, growing lambs grazing diverse forages in the fresh air is what produces our quality, tender gourmet lamb.

We thank all of those who support our business! Your purchases of our lamb and wool products supports at least 10 other American businesses who help us along the way, not to mention the various establishments who are embracing the local Farm-to-Restaurant campaign!
